Would you like a mink in your sink?
No Sir, I would not like a mink in my sink
That would make it very hard to get a drink
Minks are slinky and warm to hold
But I don't want one in my washing up bowl
Would you like a stoat in your coat?
A stoat's in my coat? Well how can he see?
This fella shouldn't be in here, he should be set free
He's worrying my pocket, he's nibbling my sleeve
He's got his eye on my buttons, he really must leave
Would you like a vole in your bowl?
Monsieur Fandango this is really too strange
Those apples and grapes have been carefully arranged
A vole in my bowl would cause me great strife
It would be very unsettling for my very still life
Would you like a mole in your coal?
Sir oh Sir this situation is dire!
I'd better refrain from starting a fire
I fear for my carpet, bless all of my souls,
After all, aren't holes dug by little moles?
Would you like an otter on your jotter?
An otter on my jotter? That would be a sight
But how can I sketch? How would I write?
He should be out swimming by the banks of a river
Not stuck indoors making my watercolours quiver
Would you like a weasel on your easel?
Now hang on a minute, this is getting absurd
These mammals are splendid but haven't you heard?
With a weasel on my easel I simply can't paint
Whatever's up next? A fox feeling faint?
Would you like a faint fox in your paintbox?
Oh Monsieur Fandango this is making me frown
My palette's all furry and his fur's dark brown
This fox is not fleet, his whiskers are pale
And if he doesn't wake up soon I'll paint with his tail
Would you like a beaver with a cleaver?
By Van Gogh's beard! Pale saints alive!
This toothsome critter is playing with knives!
He's gnashing and slashing, my canvas is spoiled,
And don't get me started on the state of my oils
Would you like a ferret in your beret?
A ferret in a beret? Why Sir, hang your head in shame!
Those words may look similar but they don't sound the same
Ferret sounds like 'Turret', as on top of a fort,
And 'Beret' sounds like 'Monet', or so I always thought
So Monsieur Fandango, my mood is dark black
These rodents and whatnots are a real art attack
They are chewing my pencils, they are gnawing my brushes
They are chasing each other and ignoring my hushes
The mink's in the sink and is chewing the plug
The stoat's left my coat and is now ruining the rug
The vole in the bowl is eating the fruit
The mole in the coal is sneezing out soot
The otter's blotting my jottings with his damp little paws
The weasel's scratched my etchings with his sharp little claws
The ferret's in a French hat and looking quite cute
The fox is out-foxed by the great smell of Art Brut
The beaver's disbelieving but frankly Sir, I don't give a dam,
I'm outta this s-s-s-studio, I am I am I am.
Scout's first book 'The kite who was scared of heights'
"A great story about overcoming your fears" Coldplay's Chris Martin.
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